Testing Ping Pong
Now that we have seen an asynchronous ping-pong match that can run outside of any framework, how do we test it? Here are the behaviors we have specified and implemented:
All that's required to test these player implementations, is to use a bus in our test suite, trigger events, and await responses!
It is useful to be able to record triggered events, so let's set up with a spy that updates an array:
This could be done in a beforeEach, or inline in each test, whatever isolation you require. Now, bring in the player that creates the listener that responds:
And send a message the player responds to. Next, wait the specified amount of time, then assert that a new message was seen by the spy!
And you have tested! It's a good idea to use Virtual Time Testing when possible, but that's a bonus for later. Exactly how you bind to your test suite will be up to you, but these concepts will allow you to test any listener, without even mocking. Lessons: Components are much simpler to test when they are not hard-coded to their effects, but only coupled via a bus. Mocks are not necessary.
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